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About Stephanie Austin

My connection with astrology traces back to a childhood love of astronomy and math. Growing up in a big city where lights eclipsed the nighttime sky, I didn’t see stars outside of the planetarium until almost a teenager, but always knew there was more to the universe than meets the eye. After ten years of working as a medical social worker and natural foods chef, interspersed with many solo backpacking trips and travels to Europe and Asia, I began studying astrology while obtaining a Master's degree at John F. Kennedy University in Consciousness Studies, a fascinating combination of psychology, philosophy, religion, and the new physics. I've been involved in various healing arts since 1974, began studying astrology in 1984, and have been a full time astrologer since 1993. 

Other experiences which have shaped me: many years of inner work via Primal Therapy, Rosen Method bodywork, Aikido, Expressive Arts, A Course in Miracles, Tibetan Buddhism, Sufism, Santo Daime, shamanic studies with Jose and Lena Stevens, John Milton, and Michael Harner, almost dying in Nepal, vision guide training at the School of Lost Borders, practitioner trainings at the California Flower Essence Society, a four year Teacher Training program with Leslie Temple Thurston, Jungian dreamwork, and meditation retreats with Leilah Be, Adyashanti, and Matt Kahn. 

Some of my personal strengths include: sensitivity and compassion, a love of learning, a deep commitment to inner work and waking up, experience with trauma and a knowledge that anything can heal. People often say they feel a sense of peace around me. When not at work, I’m often out in nature, dancing, or doing photography.

To listen to a podcast of me speaking with Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda) on his Wiki Politiki Radio Show, click here  During that hourlong interview, I talk about my background, approach, and how to thrive in these challenging times. 


Stephanie Austin MA
P.O. Box 1745
Port Townsend, WA 98368

Copyright © 2020 Stephanie Kendra Austin
All rights reserved.