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EcoAstrology Tutorials

EcoAstrology Tutorials

Individualized, private lessons

• For personal and spiritual growth
• For professional development
• For therapists, bodyworkers, educators, and anyone involved in the healing/helping professions

Tutorials are done via a combination of individual meetings, either in person or via telephone, along with listening to class recordings. Students receive two private lessons (one hour each), free emailed chart services, and access to all class recordings (see Recordings page for listing) for $200/month. Personalized lessons can also be scheduled for an hourly rate of $75.

Tutorial students receive a comprehensive working knowledge of astrological symbols, a strong foundation in understanding and using one's own chart, and training in using astrology responsibly and effectively to help others. Courses are taught with a psychological and spiritual approach. Class recordings are a combination of lecture/discussion, with students' charts utilized as examples.

Tutoring can be done on individual topics, or as part of a two year certification program for those wishing to become professional counseling astrologers. The curriculum below is designed to cover much of the material required for certification with NCGR, the National Counsel for Geocosmic Research. Classes may be able to taken for college credit through John F. Kennedy University and other colleges offering independent studies.

Level I is designed for beginners and anyone wishing to strengthen their understanding of the basic chart components, and to synthesize and interpret them in a meaningful way.

Level II covers more complex applications of astrology, such as timing life transitions, relationship comparisons, and counseling techniques. Students who already possess a working knowledge of the basics may elect to begin at Level II.

Level I

1. Fundamentals of Transpersonal Astrology: A comprehensive introduction to the basic symbols of astrology from a psychological and spiritual perspective.

2. Archetypes of the Zodiac: an in-depth study of the twelve signs, their lessons, gifts and myths, and how they interrelate with the planets and houses

3. Psychology of the Planets: an exploration of how the planets symbolize personal, social and transpersonal personality/soul drives and needs.

4. House Interpretation: discussion of the multi-leveled meanings of the twelve houses, how they describe an archetypal cycle, and the importance of house rulers.

5. Aspects: how conjunctions, squares, oppositions etc. indicate the kind of effort required to integrate and express our various needs, gifts, and challenges.

6. Chart Synthesis: putting it all together; how to form a dynamic profile of a person by discovering the life themes, strengths and challenges encoded in the birthchart.

Level II

7. Transits and Progressions: how to time the unfoldment of the birthchart and respond consciously to major turning points in life; the importance of synodic cycles and phases.

8. Life Transitions: further techniques of timing change: solar arcs, solar returns, lunations and eclipses; Saturn returns, mid-life crises and how to maximize opportunities for growth.

9. Psychology of the Birthchart: exploration of family dynamics and personality patterns encoded in planetary placements and aspects using texts by Liz Greene & Howard Sasportas.

10. The Astrology of Relationship (Synastry): working with bi-wheels, composite charts and interaspects to identify the potential dynamics and purpose of any type of relationship.

11. Advanced Issues in Chart Interpretation: exploring minor aspects, aspect patterns, midpoints, harmonics, Arabic parts, fixed stars and other more refined factors in delineation.

12. Astrological Counseling: how to develop a professional practice, how to deal effectively with various issues and situations, and how to use astrology as a healing art.

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Stephanie Austin MA
P.O. Box 1745
Port Townsend, WA 98368

Copyright © 2020 Stephanie Kendra Austin
All rights reserved.