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If we don't live our calling, the calling keeps calling — Michael Meade

Outer changes always begin with an inner change of attitude — Albert Einstein

As you move toward a dream, the dream moves toward you — Julia Cameron

You were born for a reason. And you are unique. No one has seen through your eyes, felt through your fingertips, lived in your skin. No one else has your singular combination of talents and experience. Your birth chart describes your soul intentions and your personal timetable. Understanding your individual cycles and symbols helps you remember who you really are and what you came to do.

EcoAstrology combines myth and mysticism with transpersonal psychology and the new physics. It provides an owners manual and roadmap for identifying and staying on your path. It outlines potentials, not predictions. It details what you came to learn, and what you came to share. It validates what you already know in your heart and soul.

Your journey is part of a larger future, an evolutionary juncture described by many visionaries as the Turning Point, the Great Awakening, the Ascension. It is a time of great opportunity and great challenge. EcoAstrology consultations provide empowering insights, tools, and resources to support your living in joy and fulfilling your life purpose.



Stephanie Austin M.A. is an astrological counselor, teacher, and writer, specializing in life purpose, career, and relationship since 1986. Her background includes a Master's degree in Consciousness Studies, a Bachelor's in Psychology, and extensive explorations in holistic health, ecopsychology, meditation, and inner work. In addition to presenting at regional and international conferences, Stephanie was an adjunct professor at John F. Kennedy University for 15 years, and has written for the Mountain Astrologer magazine since 1990. She is the also the author of two ebooks, EcoAstrology: Finding Our Way Home and Life After Twinkies: A Holistic Guide to Dietary Change. Her EcoAstrology Update newsletter, covering current astrological alignments and how to work with them, is available via email subscription.

For more on Stephanie’s background and how to survive challenging times, listen to her podcast interview here, with Steve Bhaerman (aka Swami Beyondananda) on his Wiki Politiki Radio Show.



Stephanie Austin MA
P.O. Box 1745
Port Townsend, WA 98368

Copyright © 2021 Stephanie Kendra Austin
All rights reserved.